I remember doing a family history project in junior year of high school. One of our assignments was to list our family traditions. I found this rather difficult, actually. As I ran through the things we always did at holiday time, for example, I was hard pressed to come up with any traditions -- or at least any that I was anxious to share. I would not share (as a shy sixteen-year-old) Mom and Dad's sipping on champagne (with peaches) as we opened up presents on Christmas morning, for example. One tradition we do have, however, is story telling. One group of stories that seemed to come up regularly involved our family vacations to the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania in the early 1970s. Appropriatelty then, to celebrate Mom and Dad's 50th wedding anniversary, we returned to Skytop Lodge. We spent a wonderful week as a family playing golf, tennis, swimming and enjoying sumptuous meals as a family. It's an effort for me to ever be sincere, but I feel really lucky to be a part of this family. People seem to generally like hanging out with one another. My sixteen year old niece announced after she got home that this was the best vacation she'd ever had. Can't say that I can argue with her.

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