I met a young recently married couple this weekend who told me that they had disposed of an unwelcome wedding gift by donating it to charity. The offending item was a Hello Kitty toaster. Since I did not know these people well, I could not delve further into the details, but all I could think was, what on earth would possess someone to buy a Hello Kitty toaster for someone for a wedding gift? This must have been a passive aggressive act of some kind. I remember when I was their age I was going to a wedding every other month. Perhaps this was payback for a hideous gift they had given someone. But I mean, they would have had to have given them something awful -- like an incurable disease -- to warrant a Hello Kitty toaster. Maybe the simple answer is that the toaster giver was mentally ill. I often overlook that possibility (I did with my ex-wife for years). We need to band together as a country (or in this case as a world), and stop buying these Hello Kitty products. We would have no illegal drug problem in this country if people stopped creating demand. We can stop this Hello Kitty madness if people will band together and stamp it out.
[Author's note: please do not misconstrue this post to indicate disparagement of toast or toasters. The Author is fully in favor of both.]
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