Changing in the locker room a few weeks ago, I heard someone next to me say, "Hey, can you do me a favor?" I turned and saw a sweaty athletic looking guy in a tight tank top coming towards me. I couldn't imagine what he wanted. "I just had shoulder surgery, and I'm wondering if you could help me get my shirt off," he said. I helped him lift his shirt over his head, revealing a series of nasty looking Frankensteinish stitches going all the way across his shoulder, an incision at least 5 inches wide. I think it's great that he's right back in the gym, but I highly recommend looser-fitting clothes post-op.
Oh, and the good news is that no one has asked me to help them undress in the locker room since. I'd just assume keep it that way. I'm not even that thrilled about undressing myself in that environment.
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