Today, apparently, is
National High Five Day. I am not a huge high-five fan, although I am infinitely more comfortable with the high-five than the fist bump. Barack Obama can do the fist bump and look cool -- oh hell, he always looks cool -- I just can't pull it off. I would have loved the opportunity to high-five someone today, but no high-fiveable moments presented themselves. Plus, I'm just not sure about the rules about high-fiving in the workplace -- I'm sure it's discouraged; it would require physical contact with a co-worker and hell, that might lead to dancing. I am a fan of the sarcastic high-five, as in, "Well, another woman has given me the thumbs-down, and this was a spectacular crash-n-burn. High-five?" One time recently I put 75 cents into the vending machine and the thing malfunctioned and gave me 5 rolls of peppermint lifesavers. That would have been a great high-five moment, but then I felt guilty and wondered if it was unethical to take all those lifesavers. When I looked at the machine, there was no price on the items in that row, so maybe they were going for $0.15 each.
I hope you got a high-five in today, ironic or otherwise.
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