So a Long Island Railroad Engineer is
in big trouble. His crime? He merely let one of the passengers drive the train (allegedly). Gosh, what happened to the good old days when random people could try their hand at driving a train filled with hundreds of passengers, barreling along at high speeds, and worth 10's of millions of dollars? I mean they're all so bogged down in details of training, safety, and blah blah blah. How hard could it be? I'm pretty sure the guy had a driver's license. And besides, he's just going in one direction. It's not like it sets a bad example; I've ridden the trains a million times and I've rarely had a desire to take over the controls. What could possibly have gone wrong? -- the train is on a track for heavens sake. We all had train sets as kids. They're probably worried that if this happens too often lots of people will start putting in their two cents worth and be back seat drivers: "Hey Mr. Engineer, my grandmother could decelerate into a station better than that!" etc. And for all the excessive worriers out there who want the authorities to come down hard on these harmless goodtime-Charleys, I have a word of warning. Sure, it's all well and good to keep ordinary citizens from haphazardly taking over the controls of a moving train, but this is a slippery slope. Next time you want to try your hand at a nighttime landing on your next U.S. Airways flight and get turned down, you'll know who to blame.
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