Tonight was date number three with a very nice woman who for the purposes of this post, I will call Princess Leah. The Princess and I definitely have some things in common like our love for cooking (and eating), and we both appreciate architecture and have spent some time admiring building around the city. I had high hopes that this might develop into something, but rarely have I seen a woman's stock plummet with me so fast.
Paully: "She was the lead actress on Everybody Loves Raymond."
Princess: "I'm sorry I don't watch TV."
Strike 1 ....
Princess: "How often do you wash your dog?"
Paully: "Not very often. Several times a year though."
Princess: "We washed our beagle every week. I'm kind of a clean freak. When I wasn't around, my maid did it."
Strike 2 ...
Paully: "Well, I was probably drunk at the time."
Princess: "I've never gotten drunk. Well, there was a time at a wine tasting once when I think I almost did."
Strike 3 ....
They tell me there are 200,000 more single women of dating age than single men in this city. I think those numbers are not working in the princess's favor. "My ex told me I'm just not the kind of girl someone falls in love with," she told me earlier tonight. I think I get it now.
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