So I sat down on the A train tonight and some raggedy guy brushed me with his bicycle but I ignored him. Another gentleman on the train was not so willing to let it go and then things got interesting. I will translate for non-New York readers of this blog:
Man 1: "I say sir, you failed to properly apologize when you grazed me with your bicycle." [Hey, I didn't hear 'excuse me.']
Man 2: "My dear sir, you are sadly mistaken." [I said 'excuse me' -- ain't my problem if you can't hear.]
Man 1: "I urge you to reconsider! My hearing faculties are perfectly intact." [Bullshit!]
Man 2: "You sir have offended my honor! I challenge you to a duel!" [You want a piece of this m&*$%erf'er? ... (Pulls out boxcutter.)]
Man 1: (Stands) I accept your challenge, my good man! [Let's do it f&^%er!]
Man 2: "I stand ready to engage!" [Bring it ^&%&*]
Man 3: "Please I insist that you settle this like the gentlemen that you are!" [You two better stop this. There are people right next to you.]
Man 1: "You vex me sir!" [You better stop running your mouth.]
Man 3: "Please, gentleman, your honor is at stake!" [You two are immature. You're going to go to jail!]
Man 2: (holds his saber forth) [lunatic waving box-cutter around]
Man 1: "We must settle this in a proper venue!" [Get off this f**&ing train!]
Man 2: "We shall engage!" [I'm right here m*&^erf*&er!]
At this point most of the spectators on the train had scattered. Man #1 continued to scream "get off this train!" I moved to the next car, but then realized we weren't leaving the station because Man #1 was holding the doors in the 14th street station insisting that his adversary engage on the platform. I walked across the platform to catch a local train and watched as Man #1 got off the train and Man #2 continued to taunt him as the train pulled away.
Just another ride home ... you wouldn't think 5 stops on the subway could bring that level of drama, but tonight it did.
photo from Dominick Chapman's photostream on flickr
1 comment:
Maybe it was today's heat??? You should definitely send some of this stuff into Letterman.
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